Trees play a critical role in our ecosystem. Their roots prevent soil erosion. They cool the air. They provide homes and food for birds and other animals. They breathe in carbon dioxide and produce fresh oxygen. Hamanasi wants staff and guests to be more aware and knowledgeable about the natural environment in our coastal community. As such, we came up with the Adopt a Tree initiative.

For a small fee of US$20 per person, guests may select a tree to adopt from a variety of flowering or non-flowering species, such as Mango, Almond, Coconut palms, Yellow Flame, Croton and many more. This contribution goes towards the cost of the program, and any remaining amount is added to our Hamanasi Education Fund.
So far we have had 12 guests that have adopted a tree. A member of the Green Team accompanies the guest to plant the tree. Afterward, we put a sign with the guest’s name and type of tree that was planted. Hopefully, when the guest returns he or she can see how the tree has grown.
By participating in Hamanasi’s Adopt a Tree program, you’ll do more than put a sapling in the ground. You will make sure these habitats survive for future generations of humans and wildlife.