Hamanasi boasts having one of the first wellness programs implemented in Belize’s tourism industry. The program was signed off by the International Labor Organization, National Aids Commission, and the Belize Labour Department in March 2016. By June, the program was rolled out to employees.
Kirsty (right) with Belize Family Life Association, an NGO that partners with Hamanasi, providing clinics and educational sessions. Hamanasi contributes a dollar for dollar donation when guests support their cause.
Why create a wellness program for employees? Kirsty Roberts, general manager, stated, “We wanted to improve the overall well-being of our employees by creating a health-conscious work environment and providing practical and accessible programs.” When looking back to what the catalyst was for this program, she recalled a painful memory involving a long-term employee’s battle with diabetes and his eventual death in 2015.
Kirsty recalled, “That was the turning point. I started working on a basic workplace policy so that we could start helping employees with HIV and other illnesses.” One of Hamanasi’s core values since opening its doors in 2000, is to strive to have happy, proud, and skilled employees. Add healthy to the list and it is a win-win for all!
Inland guide, Bern (Left), and marine guide, BJ (right), show off an ‘attitude is everything’ T-shirt he wore during a sporting event.
The wellness program began mainly as a HIV/AIDS and chronic illness workplace policy, which included free testing, screening and educational sessions. With the support of Dana Krauskopf (owner), Jackie Gamboa (assistant Human Resources) and partnerships with the Belize Family Life Association the program grew into much more. When commenting on bringing Jackie onto the wellness program team, Kirsty said, “Jackie knew everyone, and she had been here for so long. She knew how they felt and had her finger on the ground. She was a natural person for the position.”
Jackie Gamboa (right) with staff who completed a triathlon.
In the beginning, the program had some challenges around confidentiality and cultural beliefs. People were hesitant to talk about sensitive information and there was a stigma around being sick. Jackie explained further, “It started a bit slow because we had to gain the trust of employees. They had to believe that personal information would be kept confidential. Over the years we have gained the trust of our employees. We have seen many changes in behavior and also health wise.”
Hamanasi’s wellness program has expanded what it offers its employees. The goals have evolved to be more holistic and include physical and mental/emotional objectives. Every month employees can be a part of a free healthcare screening and educational sessions focusing on topics such as prostate and breast cancers, diabetes, cholesterol, etc.. The screenings and educational sessions are facilitated by the Belize Family Life Association team of nurses.
Additionally, there are wellness program events like exercise boot camps, healthy eating workshops, and sport events. Hamanasi partnered with an international wellness trainer, Ruvi Makuni, to plan and lead these. As Kirsty mentioned, “Belizeans are generally fun loving people, and when you add some fun competition in the mix at work, it definitely creates a great vibe.”
Hamanai employees participating in a healthy lifestyle boot camp.
In 2018, emotional wellbeing was introduced by providing free clinics and educational sessions focused on topics such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse and healthy relationships. This developed into individual confidential counselling and regular mindfulness & meditation sessions. This year Kirsty and Jackie plan is to add yoga, fiscal responsibility workshops, and relaunch the sports events, which had been halted last year due to Covid regulations.
In 2020, the wellness program introduced mindfulness sessions for employees to give them the tools needed to cope with stress.
With five years in action the wellness program has made some positive impacts on the workplace culture and employees. Jackie expressed that, “The wellness program has an impact on the work environment because employees are able to get educated in many different ways. They have been able to get help both physically and mentally. This program is one of the best things that we have done for our employees.”
In addition to an overall healthy, happier, more energized staff, the program has inspired some powerful events to take shape, such as the first ever Women’s Rally in 2017. Kirsty Roberts recollects on what made this event so powerful. She explained that this was the first event that Jackie Gamboa spearheaded. Kirsty said, “Jackie Gamboa, my trusted assistant, had come up with the idea on her own. With the help of nurse Des from BFLA, she planned the entire event.” Jackie did an incredible job and the event had some powerful moments. Kirsty continued, “It was so inspirational to have such power-house and phenomenal women come together to talk about the real issues we face.” She said a real take away for her was that, “As women in our community we MUST stand together and support one another and not judge.” Because of Jackie and Kirsty’s hard work, Hamanasi received the “Outstanding Women’s Award” for demonstrating their commitment to the health and well being of their employees.
The COVID-19 pandemic created a serious challenge to Hamanasi’s wellness program. How could we ensure that our employees remained safe and strong mentally and physically, as well as endure the hardships the pandemic presented? Employees participated in extensive training sessions regarding new COVID protocols Additionally, a wellness committee comprising employees was created. Hamanasi funds the committee who then can decide to provide financial or other support to employees in need. Employees and guests still can enjoy a safe environment at Hamanasi.
Hamanasi Staff received in-depth Covid-19 safety training.
Over the years, despite challenges, growing pains, and COVID-19, the wellness program has made a positive impact on the work environment at Hamanasi. In a recent employee survey nearly 90% of employees would recommend Hamanasi is a good place to work and the vast majority of Hamanasi’s employees actively use the wellness program. The wellness program has contributed to employees living a healthier lifestyle and in return supports Hamanasi’s core value of having happy, proud and skilled employees.
Jackie and Kirsty display the “Outstanding Women’s Awards” that Hamanasi won for demonstrating a commitment to the promotion and protection of the health and wellbeing of its employees. They are also recognized for creating and nurturing a healthy work environment.