Hamanasi Staff – Healthy, Fit and Happy!

Over 70 Hamanasi employees received an eye exam as part of a new health program.

Last year Hamanasi turned 15 years old. Over the last 15 years, as the resort has grown, so has our family of employees. At the end of 2015 Hamanasi management began developing a staff wellness policy. This policy is designed to provide a health care program for all employees of Hamanasi, with regular monthly clinics at the resort covering a different health topic each time. This is in addition to regular health checks that are offered each month.

Over 70 Hamanasi employees received an eye exam as part of a new health program.
Over 70 Hamanasi employees received an eye exam as part of a new health program.

February was a busy month for our clinics, with a session on healthy lifestyles and blood pressure and blood sugar checks being available, as well as eye checks by Courts Optical.

Coming all the way from Belize City, the optical team from Courts came over two days to offer free appointments to any staff who would like to have their eye tests conducted. With the cost of optical care in Belize, for some staff this was the first eye examination that they had had in a little while. Over 70 staff took advantage of the opportunity for a bit of a tune up, and nearly half of these needed glasses or optical care in some form. Everyone was happy to have received the care and they are now proudly walking around with new glasses.

As Hamanasi grows, our new wellness policy will grow with us, and partnering with the Belize Family Life Association (BFLA) means that we have been able to put together a full calendar for 2016 of different health clinics and educational awareness days. With such a warm response from staff when it was first introduced in October 2015, everyone is now actively excited to take part in these clinics, so they stay healthy, fit and happy.